We help Ukrainians heal from the trauma of war so they can live fulfilling, productive lives.

What We Do

We work with trauma experts and Ukrainian partners to scale existing evidence-based programs and pilot innovative solutions for:

1) Veterans - Supporting the introduction of novel therapies to improve outcomes for those with severe mental health conditions.

2) Children – Implementing effective programs to address traumatic stress and reduce the risk of long-term mental health conditions.

The Need

The ongoing war has subjected Ukraine’s population of 44 million to widespread traumatic stress. The WHO estimates that 1 in 4 Ukrainians are at risk of developing a severe mental health condition such as PTSD, depression, or anxiety as a result of the war. By healing trauma now, we can improve long-term mental health outcomes for millions of Ukrainians.

Support Heal Ukraine Trauma Today!

“Ukrainian children are proving to be exceptionally resilient in what is the bloodiest war in Europe since the Second World War. Their stories of survival and overcoming trauma are both heartbreaking and uplifting. Some children, however, need support. We know how to support them. Helping now prevents a lot of suffering in the future.”

- Dennis Ougrin, MBBS, PhD, Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Heal Ukraine Trauma Advisory Board Member