HUT’s Report on Mental Healthcare in Ukraine 

The report summarizes research and key informant interviews to provide relevant context for NGOs and responders in Ukraine 

CAMBRIDGE, MASS., April 19, 2023 – Heal Ukraine Trauma, a project of 501(c)(3) nonprofit Heal Trauma International, Inc., today announced the publication of their report on mental health in Ukraine. The need for mental health care and psychosocial support has increased dramatically in the 14 months of conflict following Russia’s invasion. The report combines primary and secondary source research with feedback from trauma experts, mental health practitioners, and humanitarian workers in Ukraine and around the globe. 

“The war has imposed an enormous mental health burden on a country that already had one of the highest rates of mental health disorders in the world due to historical trauma.” said Elizabeth Ames, co-founder and CEO of Heal Ukraine Trauma. “We hope this report will offer context for organizations seeking to provide support in Ukraine.”  

Key takeaways from the report:  

  • An estimated 11 million people are likely to suffer from mental health disorders due to Russia’s invasion. 

  • Children are particularly vulnerable because the war has impacted their safety, security, and routine, including the destruction of over 2,400 education facilities. 

  • The centralized mental health care system is unevenly distributed across the country and underfunded, with just 2.5% of healthcare expenditure allocated to mental health. 

  • Demand for mental health services is climbing, but existing healthcare facilities and providers are not equipped to provide adequate support.  

The report provides an overview of the need for mental health care, the populations at high risk, and availability of mental health resources in Ukraine today. It also delves into demographics, the historical and social context of mental health in Ukraine, the structure of the healthcare system and delivery of care, and ways that providers are shaping new strategies to improve care. Read the full report here


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